2012 Boxing Day Texas Scramble Winners at Didsbury Golf Club

(Winning team included 3 members of TOFFS with a nett score of 13 under par over 11 holes)

From left: Jack Hilton, Andrew Rimmer, Sandy Jones (Captain DGC), Chih Hu and Steve Rimmer

Steve Rimmer's comments:

A Seasonal Golfing Tale or how Mr Hu finds he can’t walk on water even after marking a team score of 13 under.

On a fine but waterlogged Boxing Day at Didsbury GC, the annual Texas Scramble was played over 11 holes. At the end of the competition; we were walking back to the clubhouse when we reached the 18th hole, now the new water feature, and an expanse of flooding from tee to green edge. Chih makes to the tee end, the deepest part, and decides to set his Powacaddy trolley off in the direction of the car park, through the “lake” whilst he walks on the higher teeing ground. Unfortunately, the trolley veers off line to the deepest part and falls over, capsizing, with wheels still in motion, but bags, clubs and battery now under-water. Only thing for it, Chih has to wade in, knee deep in freezing water, to rescue his gear. Fortunately, most of the members had missed this Christmas mishap, but Chih insisted at the prize presentation I tell the tale to the clubhouse audience.


Chih's comments:

After my acceptance speech (I thought I had to make the speech since I didn't contribute anything to the score!), the Captain said something which I don't think had ever been said before at a prize presentation.
He said "See, you don't have to be a good golfer to win a prize!!" Wonder why he said that!

18th Hole Santa
18th Hole at Didsbury GC on Boxing Day Did you know Santa is a member of TOFFS?